Good mornind, or afternoon, or evening -- depending on what time you are reading this! Ah, today was truly an eventful day!
I woke up tired, my eyes felt tired and my body felt tired. I thought that my day would not go so well because my eyes felt super super tired. I picked myself out of bed and got ready. My cellphone was across the room and was about to ring in two minutes, so I had to reach it and disable the alarms before it exploded in noise.
I ate breakfast with my brother and father. I couldn't speak that much Korean to my father because my brother just translated everything once I didn't understand, so there wasn't that level of trying to understand and communicate in just Korean. I went to school and on my way, I saw a lady run through the doors just as they were closing. She gave herself a double thumbs up and the day just continued from there.
As I was walking to school, it started to rain, so I quickly got to the school and was about to finish my homework when I got distracted and started using the HelloTalk app. I had to go up to class without finishing my homework, but I was just about done anyway. I got through class and everything was gucci. During the break in between classes, some friends and I went to the 7/11 nearby and got some food. The cashier is so nice and understanding!
After school, me, Ariel, and Sarah all went to a GG fast-food type restaurant. I say fast food as in you will get to-go food in 5 minutes rather than a place that slops grease into a paper bag. I got a cup of mandu and soup. It was really hot, but so delicious! After eating for 10 minutes, me and Ariel had to go to do our community service. We went to exit 10 and met with all the other people who were supposed to do the same community service as us.
We all went to 면덕 Highschool and we were separated into three groups. Also, each one of us NSLI-Yians were assigned to have a Korean student as a partner. We toured the campus and stopped at the fifth floor to present our powerpoints that we had prepared. We were given a cool nature themed planner, information on the school, the school's English newspaper, and some delicious 떡 treats. It was so cool!
The Korean students' powerpoints were very well prepared and I learned a lot about the Korean education system, like how students have to choose between science schools and liberal arts school and how Korean highschoolers basically live in class. We presented our powerpoints and ended the day.
After all ended, I went to a restaurant to eat dinner with my supporter 준, Sebastian, Peter, Ariel, Hope, and Trudi. I had some type of bean noodle soup. It tasted like soy milk and it was actually really delicious. There were small pieces in the soup that tasted a bit like matcha, which was very strange. We had a lot of fun eating dinner together.
As we were heading back home, Trudi, Sebstian, and Jun decided to go to the nearby 시장. We also encountered an old man on a bicycle trying to bike through a crowd, shouting "자자자자자자!" It was definitely an interesting experience.
I'm currently writing this blog right next to my brother and sister. They are watching some kind of Japanese movie or drama and I love their relationship! They just break into song or playfully beat each other up, and it's so adorable!
I spent the last few hours chatting with some of the new friends that I have made in Korea through the 한민켐프, Hello Talk, and today's activity, but now I am super sleepy!!
I will end this here for now. Goodnight everyone~!
Just stopping by to say "hello" :=) Truly enjoy your daily blog. Thanks. Hope today is another day of fun time w/ friends - new and old. God bless ...