Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 31

Today I woke up feeling tired, yet again. I stayed up late because I was speaking with some new Korean friends that I had made. I had a dream about going on a vacation with my fellow NSLI-Yians. I don't remember the details, but it was the first dream with NSLI-Yians that I had had during the duration of this trip. I'm not sure how I even got to dream because I didn't even sleep long enough... perhaps something woke me up while I was sleeping and caused me to stay in REM, the human body is a complicated mechanism.

I ate breakfast a bit late with my father this morning and we spoke in Korean. However, it was a bit difficult to speak in Korean this time because I was tired, so I had a little bit of trouble paying attention. After eating my bibimbap breakfast, I rushed over to school and got ready to learn. Today, we switched seats and I ended up sitting in the far right corner near the air conditioner, next to Cynthia and Peter. We learned a lot of Korean today. This week, we got through three chapters. There is so much vocabulary to learn and so much to study and do just in class, that when combined with things to do outside of class and outside of the program, it's very overwhelming! This truly is an intensive, demanding experience that requires one to stay motivated and hard working. I ate lunch at a Japanese restaurant with Cricket, Kyle, and Brandon.

After class, we met up with out supporters once more. I got frustrated during my meeting because Korean. Outside of my supporter meeting, I feel like I can speak and understand Korean at a certain level, but when I am in the supporter meeting, it's as if I had never even heard of the language. It was frustrating because I knew what I wanted to say and I knew that what I wanted to say was simple, but for some reason, my mind was just not working. This always happens during supporter meetings, but I was able to explain my frustration to my supporter and I worked through it. In the end, I was able to accomplish a simple task that had at the beginning of the meeting been something impossible for my jumbled brain.

Afterwards, I went to a nearby cafe and studied for my tests tomorrow. Walking to the subway station, I felt tired and kind of walked passively, just listening to my surroundings. I got home soon enough and ate dinner that my aunt prepared with my brother and sister. It was so delicious! Seriously good! I then studied for my tests tomorrow, but I also was busy with doing my supporter homework from Tuesday and by my friends messaging me on the Hello Talk app, Facebook, and through the Kakao talk app. It's so fun to have people to talk to in Korean!

It's already 1 again.. time passes by so quickly in Korea!

I need to go to sleep now. Goodnight!


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